Temporary Policies due to COVID-19 (Series C-19, Approved 8/2020)
Series 1000 – Community/Board Operation
- Automatic External Defibrillators
- Green Cleaning Programs
- Pesticide Application on School Property
- Possession and Use of Deadly Weapons or Firearms
- Prohibition Against Smoking
- School Safety and Security
- Sexual Offenders on School Property
- Use of School Facilities
- Visitors
- Volunteers
Series 2000 – Administration
- Holds on the Destruction of Electronic and Paper Records (Litigation)
- Retention of Electronic Records and Information
- Uniform Treatment of Recruiters
Series 3000 – Business
- Board Budget Process and Line Item Transfers
- Code of Conduct for Federal Procurements
- Disposal of Obsolete or Surplus Equipment/Materials
- Gifts, Grants and Bequests to the District
- Purchasing
- School Activity Funds
- Individuals with Disabilities Act Fiscal Compliance
4000 Series – Personnel
- Reports of Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Adults with an Intellectual Disability
- Alcohol Tobacco and Drug Free Workplace
- Athletic Coaches Evaluation and Termination
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- Child Abuse or Neglect Reporting
- Code of Ethics
- Concussion Training for Athletic Coaches
- Employee Use of the District’s Computer Systems
- Employment and Student Teacher Checks
- Family & Medical Leave
- Hiring of Certified Staff
- Hiring of Non-Certified Staff
- Non-Discrimination
- Plan for Minority Staff Recruitment
- Prohibition on Recommendation for Psychotropic Drugs
- Section 504 (see Student Series)
- Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- Social Media
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness for Intramural and Interscholastic Athletics
Series 5000 – Students
- Administration of Student Medications in the Schools
- Bullying Prevention and Intervention
- Chemical Health for Student Athletes
- Confidentiality and Access to Education Records
- Drug and Alcohol Use by Students
- Field Trips
- Fundraising Activities
- Homeless Students
- Immunizations
- Management Plan and Guidelines for Students with Food Allergies and/or Glycogen Storage Disease
- Non-Discrimination
- Non-Resident Student Attendance
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Restraint and Seclusion
- Safe School Climate
- Search and Seizure
- Section 504
- Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
- Student Attendance and Truancy
- Student Discipline
- Student Dress
- Student Privacy
- Student Use of the District’s Computer System and Internet Safety
- Transportation
- Use of Private Technology Devices by Students
- Wellness
Series 6000 – Instruction
- Curricular Exemptions
- Homework
- Individuals with Disabilities Act – Alternative Assessments for Students with Disabilities
- Instruction on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
- Parent-Teacher Communication
- Parental Access to Instructional Materials
- Parental Involvement for Title I Students
- Promotion and Retention
- Service Animals/Therapy Dogs
Bylaws of the Board of Education
Annual Notifications
- Accessing Public Benefits or Insurance Under the Individuals with Disabilities Act
- Consent to Access Public Benefits or Insurance to Pay for Services Under the Individuals with Disabilities Act
- Epi Pen Refusal Form
- Federal FERPA Notification
- Federal Section 504 Rights
- Notice of Parent Rights
- Statement Regarding Student Attendance