Ashford Board of Education
Ashford, Connecticut
Special Meeting Agenda
May 23, 2022
6:00 pm
Ashford School
District Conference Room 16
In Person Only
- Call to Order
- * Discussion Concerning Confidential Attorney Client Privileged Written Memorandum (Legal Advice Pertaining to Superintendent’s Evaluation Process and Contractual Questions)
- * Discussion Concerning Superintendent’s Evaluation and Contract of Employment
*Proposed for Executive Session
- Possible Action Concerning Superintendent’s Evaluation and Contract of Employment
- Adjournment
Ashford Board of Education Goals
Curriculum – Ensure a Kindergarten to 8th grade curriculum that challenges students to use methods of inquiry to solve problems, think critically, and to express themselves creatively and effectively.
Financial – Develop a budget that ensures the best possible education while being fiscally responsible to taxpayers.
Culture – Foster an environment of physical and emotional health and wellness for all. Support a community that recognizes professional expertise and provides diverse opportunities that enhance teaching and learning.
Community Relations and Facilities – Provide opportunities for enhanced community engagement and serve as a leader for Ashford in enhancing energy efficiency, developing a maintenance and restoration plan that extends the school’s useful life and demonstrates environmental responsibility.
All meetings, conferences, programs and activities at Ashford School are available, without discrimination, to individuals with disabilities as defined by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and/or Title II of the American with Disabilities Act. Individuals with disabilities requesting relocation of this meeting should call the Superintendent at 429-1927 or e-mail a request to not later than 2 working days prior to the meeting. Hearing impaired individuals may communicate their request for accommodations by using the e-mail address above, or calling the State of CT TDD relay service (800) 842-2880 or the national relay service number (800) 855-2880.